Kaveri Seed Company Buyback 2024

Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback

Kaveri Seed Company Buyback 2024
Tender Offer


Buyback price per share

About Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback

Founded in 1976, Kaveri Seeds is an Indian seed company that specializes in hybrid seeds for major crops. The company's product portfolio includes a range of high yielding seeds in field crops, such as Maize, Cotton, Rice, Pearl millet, Mustard, Wheat, Sorghum, Pulses, Bajra, and Sunflower.

With over 100,000 growers producing crops on 65,000 acres of land across 12 agro-climatic zones, the company's seed portfolio caters to diverse crop segments, enabling crops for varying climate and soil conditions.

The Kaveri Seed Company has seven modern processing plants across India. They have a large facility that can dry 2900 tonnes of maize cobs per cycle. They also have warehouses and spacious storage areas capable of storing seed materials under ambient and cold storage conditions. The combined storage space is approximately 6 lakh sq. ft.

The company has research farms in India, leased and owned, covering over 500 acres of land. These farms have all the necessary facilities to conduct research trials for biotic and abiotic situations. The company also has MLT outstations to test their newly developed products.

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Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback Details

Security Name

Kaveri Seed Company Ltd

Buyback Price


Face Value


Listing at Group


Lead Manager

Bajaj Capital Limited

Buyback Docs

Letter Of Offer

Issue Size


Kaveri Seed Company Buyback 2024 Issue Timetable

Last Date to buy sharesRecord DateOffer Opens OnOffer Closes On *
Feb 22, 2024Feb 23, 2024Feb 29, 2024Mar 6, 2024
Last Date for receipt of Tender FormsFinalisation of Buyback AcceptanceLast Date for settlement of bidsLast Date for Extinguishment of Shares
Mar 6, 2024Mar 13, 2024Mar 14, 2024Mar 26, 2024

Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback Ratio

CategoryEntitlement Ratio of BuybackShares Offered
Reserved Category for Small Shareholders116/459672414
General Category for all other Eligible Shareholders46/6433810344

Company Financials All values are in ₹ Cr.

Period Ended31-Mar-2331-Mar-2231-Mar-21
Net Worth1,367.281,282.071,245.38
Reserves And Surplus1,362.261,282.621,250.01
Total Assets2,051.051,880.051,961.86
Total Borrowing------
Total Revenue1,125.261,011.261,082.05
Profit After Tax260.78205.76309.55

How to Participate in Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback?

1. Firstly, to be eligible for the buyback the investor should have shares of Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback in Demat or physical form as on the record date Feb 23, 2024.

2. Once you have shares in Demat, you can participate in the buyback process which is opening from Feb 29, 2024 by selling your shares through your broker on BSE, NSE.

3. Then on Mar 26, 2024, the payment will be given to you for accepted shares and unaccepted shares will be returned to your Demat account.

Calculation of Investment in Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback

Maximum market value of a share holder as on record date


Buyback price per share


Maximum share for small shareholders (200000/ 725)

275.86 share

Closing price of stock as of 2024-01-05


Maximum amount insted in buyback (₹655.65 x 275.86206896551727 shares)


* No. of shares stands to change according to the closing price on the record date

* For simplicity, we have considered the price on date Jan 5, 2024

Expected Profit from the Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback on the bases of acceptance Ratio:

Acceptance Ratio





Amount Invested in Buyback





No. of Shares Buyback





Buyback Profit










Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback - Necessity of the Objective

The Buyback is being undertaken by the company after taking into account the operational and strategic cash requirement for the medium term and for returning surplus funds to the members in an effective and efficient manner. The buyback is being undertaken for the following reasons:

The Buyback will help the Company to return surplus cash to its shareholders holding Equity Shares thereby, enhancing the overall return for them;

The Buyback, which is being implemented through the tender offer route as prescribed under the SEBI Buyback Regulations, would involve the allocation of a number of shares as per their entitlement or 15% of the number of shares to be bought back, whichever is higher, reserved for the small shareholders. The Company believes that this reservation for small shareholders would benefit a large number of public shareholders, who would get classified as Small Shareholders as per Regulation 2(i)(n) of the SEBI Buyback Regulations

The buyback will help the company to improve the return on equity through the distribution of cash and improving earnings per share by a reduction in the equity base, thereby leading to a the long-term increase in the shareholder's value.

The buyback will give an option to the members holding equity shares of the company, who can choose to participate and get cash in lieu of equity shares to be accepted under the buyback offer or they may choose not to participate and enjoy a resultant increase in their percentage shareholding, post the buyback, without any additional investment.

Optimise the capital structure.

Company Contact Information

Kaveri Seed Company Ltd Buyback

# 513-8, 5th Floor, Minerva Complex, S.D. Road Secunderabad 500003

Email: info@kaveriseeds.in

Phone: +91-40-2784 239

Website: https://www.kaveriseeds.in/

Kaveri Seed Company Buyback 2024 Registrar

Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd

Email: buybackoffer@bigshareonline.com

Phone: +91-22-6263 8200

Website: https://ipo.bigshareonline.com/ipo_status.html